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Travel correspondence (1889-1901)

John R. Spears was born in Ohio in 1850. In early life, he worked as editor for a local newspaper, joining the staff of the New York Sun in 1882. As a feature reporter, he was observant and versatile. His assignments covered a wide range of destinations, both in the U.S. and abroad. As war correspondent, he was assigned to Cuba (1898), Honduras (1893), Brazil (1893) and Chile (1891?). While much of his later work (from 1895 onward) has appeared in book form, his earlier writings (including those presented here) have hitherto remained largely inaccessible.

Praise for John Spears ( Source: Indianapolis News, 11 January 1893)

Anyone who values lightly the literary quality of American newspapers will be surprised by the merit of these papers. It is Mr. Spears whom the New York Sun sends to the mountains of Kentucky to find out the truth about feudal wars, and to all other places where pluck and courage are needed to enable a correspondent to get his facts. Mr. Spears, whose work the scissors men of American newspapers are constantly looking for, is the ideal reporter. He sees all sides of a "story," as by a kind of mental coup d'oeil; and to accurate observation he adds literary skill of a high order. It can not often be said that a newspaper writer has style; but we think there would be little difficulty in identifying Mr. Spears’s work no matter where found, by its simplicity and directness. Here and there a word is used a little out of proportion, and once or twice an infinitive sign is left straggling alone; but if Mr. Spears did not write so well no one would notice his occasional lapses.


1. (*) Unsigned but believed to be work of Spears
2. (n) Count of original articles

1890 Voyage to Greenland (5) LINK  

. . . . . . . . . . EASTERN STATES . . . . . . . . . .
1890 Life on Chincoteague, Pt. 1 LINK  
1890 Life on Chincoteague, Pt. 2 LINK  
1890 The Way to Cape Hatteras PDF (*) 
1890 Cape Henlopen Lighthouse PDF (*) 
1890 Sand-Waves at Henlopen and Hatteras LINK  
1890 A Spruce Bark Camp in the Adirondacks PDF  
. . . . . . . . . . CENTRAL STATES . . . . . . . . . .
1889 Hunting in the Ozarks LINK  
1889 Oklahoma Indian Territory LINK (*) 
1889 Story of Oklahoma, Page 1 IMAGE  
1889 Story of Oklahoma, Page 2 IMAGE  
1901 Boomers of the West LINK  
. . . . . . . . . . WESTERN STATES . . . . . . . . . .
1891 Inquest at Jackson Hole PDF (*) 
1893 Mysterious Tularosa PDF  

1891 Nicaragua Canal (7) PDF Illustrations
1893 Visiting Colon and Panama (4) PDF  
1893 Isthmus on Muleback (7) PDF  
1893 Impressions of Costa Rica (3) PDF  
1893 Honduras at Peace and War (5) PDF  
1893 Glimpses of El Salvador (1) PDF  
1893 Memorable Guatemala (2) PDF  
1893 Tehuantepec to Oaxaca (3) PDF  

1893 Prospecting in Ecuador PDF  
1894 Busy Buenos Aires PDF  
1894 Gold Diggings of Cape Horn (15) LINK  

1894 Life on an Ocean Tramp PDF  
1895 Señoritas, Peons, Soldiers, Priests (4) PDF  
1895 Latin America's Sports PDF  
1895 Colonies that Failed PDF  

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