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Visiting Entertainers in Valparaiso, Chile (1859-1874)


New York Clipper, 10 December 1859

Sam Lathrop, stump orator, has left California for the Sandwich Islands. The following letter from the great Kentucky clown is characteristic of the man: — San Francisco, Nov. 4th, '59.— DEAR CLIPPER—Lee & Benedict have purchased a schooner, 'The Island Queen,' and sail Nov. 9th for the Sandwich Islands, Tahiti, Valparaiso, and Lima. Amongst the company are Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Miss Annereau, Mrs. Sam Lathrop, Mr. Ryland and Son, Masters Frank, Eugene, and James Lee, Theopolis, Williams, Armstrong, &c., and your humble servant, Sam Lathrop. The company will be gone about six months or longer, and I will drop you a line at the different ports about the show news.

New York Clipper, 18 August 1860

A Minstrel Band, consisting of W. H. Smith, Geo. H. Edmonds, C. Henry, P. Sterling, J. Wallace, W. D. Corristor, and Joe. Murphy, sailed for Valparaiso on the 6th.

New York Clipper, 22 September 1860

Lee's circus was at Valparaiso at last advices, doing well. Noble & Odell's circus was at Callao. They did well the first night, but business had fallen off the following nights. There was a French and Spanish circus, under the management of "Barnabo," in Chile, near the line of Peru.

New York Clipper, 8 June 1861

Webster Finn, brother to Frank, is now in Valparaiso, in business, and is also manager of an amateur dramatic company. Some time since they gave a benefit in aid of the sufferers by the Earthquake at Mendoza, by which they realized $300. A sister of the Nelson sisters (Miss Marie Nelson), who happened to be shipwrecked near Valparaiso, volunteered for the benefit. The bill was "Mons. Jacques," and "Blighted Being;" H. W. Finn, as Jacques, and Job. The tickets were sold at $1,50.

New York Clipper, 7 June 1862

The Martinettis are in their second season at the Lima Theatre. They were making money, on some nights the receipts reaching $1,000. They were to leave for Valparaiso soon. Mr. Hopkins, their agent, started in advance on the 20th. They will not, probably, return home for a couple of years yet. After leaving Chile, they will proceed to Buenos Ayres, and make their way homeward by way of Cuba. ...

We have some word from Dr. Bassett's Circus, now in South America. Mr. E. D. Bassett, brother of the Doctor, arrived here on the 31st. from Peru. He informs us that the circus was doing a fair business, in the northern part of Peru. They were to leave in a few weeks for Callao, and then proceed to Chile. Montarg, the skeleton, under Dr. Bissett's management, was doing very well, and made considerable money in exhibiting from Callao to Valparaiso. At last accounts he was at Santiago, Chile.

New York Clipper, 25 October 1862

By way of variety and fairness, we here give another sample of all sorts, dated San Francisco, Sept. 20th, 1862. —FRIEND QUEEN: Matters theatrical are so dull here I cannot find enough to write about each week, but will try and send you a line by each steamer, I see the New York papers yet speak of the Hanlons as on their way to New York. This is not so, as a letter I sent you by the Golden Gate (which was lost) would have explained; the Hanlons sailed from San Francisco some six or seven weeks since for Valparaiso, South America, under the management of John Torrens from Valparaiso; they go to Lima, etc., remaining in South America for six months, and then go to Australia.

New York Clipper, 25 April 1863



The Hanlon Brothers, according to a news letter published in another column, and bearing date Valparaiso, March 11th, had recently closed the most successful and profitable engagement ever played on this continent, and were preparing to depart for Santiago.

New York Clipper, 16 May 1863

The Hanlon Brothers had made a safe journey (on mules) across the Cordilleras, from Valparaiso to Buenos Ayres, and were at the latter place on the 15th of March. They expected to commence a series of performances in the course of a week. The Martinetti Troupe were also at Buenos Ayres. Spalding & Rogers Ocean Circus was at Monte Video at the same date, March 15th.

New York Clipper, 23 April 1864

G. F. ORRIN and sons, with Sebastian, the celebrated equestrian, arrived at Valparaiso on the 11th of February, after a passage of fifty-three days from San Francisco. In a letter dated Valparaiso, March 17th, Mr. Orrin says : — FRIEND QUEEN—We opened at the Jardín de Recreo, a sort of remorne [?] Garden, on the 21st ult., to an immense house, and performed here eleven nights, finishing on the 14th inst., with a good business. We leave to-day for Santiago, one hundred miles by railway. Our company will give the first performance allowed there since the dreadful burning of the Cathedral. Will write you from Santiago. Was awakened at a quarter before six this morning, by the shock of an earthquake. Had a God-send here, having been able to purchase four copies of the CLIPPER, the first I have seen since I left San Francisco.

New York Clipper, 17 December 1864

THE CELEBRATED ORRIN FAMILY, who left San Francisco last winter for a long tour, were at last accounts in Panama. We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. G. F. Orrin, dated Panama, Nov. 15th, from which we take the following: "While in Valparaiso, the Willis and Aymar Circus Company arrived from the interior, but like sensible people, soon left after seeing our performances, for parts unknown. From there we went to Santiago, the capital of Chile, 100 miles per railroad, opened under canvas on the 26th of March, and did a fine business until the 12th of May, although we had a great deal to contend against; two earthquakes and the election time, threats of rebellion every day—had to call the military out on several occasions. One night 150 persons rushed into our circus and knocked down the sentinels. I stopped the performance, and was on the point of having them put out, but was persuaded by the American Consul and some favorite friends to go on with the show, as the mob were of the government party, and that things should be all right. However, things passed off quite lively that night. Then the news of the Spanish taking possession of the Chincha Islands excited the public mind, indignation meetings and threats to kill all the foreigners. Several attempts were made to pull down the Spanish Consul's flag, but all ended in "gas." Then the Biselet famlly, French gymnasts, consisting of seven in number, made their appearance. They are the same party who played an engagement with Spalding and Rogers' whilst in Rio Janeiro. They desired to engage with us, but wanted all the profits, so we did not settle matters. I believe they did play with the Aymar party after that. We found a great many friends among the English and American residents and received several handsome presents. One, a fine "Cholenian" horse, was given to my son Edward by his particular friend, Joseph Hill. The only opposition we had in the show business was a Mona Eduardo, a prestidigitator, who performed several nights in the theatre, but did not hurt us, although a clever performer. My eldest son, George, made a great hit here in his great act of the Zampillaerostation, concluding with the double somerset. Sebastian was called out nightly. In fact, the whole performance was a great success. Left Santiago on the 14th of May, for Valparaiso; shipped on the English steamer Peru for Caldera, two days' voyage. Here we took the cars for Copiapó. It is a very fine place, fine theatre, and plenty of money; business splendid and performed until the 24th of June. This place is celebrated for its terrific earthquakes. We had three during our stay—one of them a "croaker," which took place on the 17th, during dinner time, about five o'clock P. M. A great rush was made to the streets, and on all the people kneeling. It was so severe that it caused the church bells to ring. I went to see the ruins of the last February earthquake. It was a dreadful sight to see, but it is so common here that the inhabitants are inclined to bet on the time that they will feel the shocks, and a good sign of it is that all the dogs in the city are in the streets howling a few minutes before it takes place. We were all glad to leave here, though it is one of the best little show towns in the country. From there we returned to Caldera, in time for the great feast of San Pedro—all sorts of amusements—boat racing, performing in sacks, etc. This brought us to the glorious fourth of July, which we all celebrated on the American ship John O. Baker, Capt. Miller, and on board the English ship Corricater, Capt. Talbot, which lay side by side, near the wharf. By this time our favorite steamer Peru had made her trip to Panama and back, and we then sailed on her that night, at nine o'clock, for Arica, in Peru, a three days' voyage. Arrived on the morning of the 7th, had some trouble in getting horses and canvas ashore in lighters. Opened on the 10th, business brisk. Left here on the morning of the 15th for "Tague," [Tacna?, Ed.] 40 miles by cars. Opened on the 17th and performed till the 28th. Business only middling, the people being very poor, and the excitement of the Chincha Islands had caused "stagnation" to all kinds of business. Gave another performance at "Arica" on our return. Left the next morning for "Arequipa," thirty leagues. We travelled the whole distance on mules across the Pampas and over the mountains. Here we met with some wonderful sights. Saw over 500 dead animals on the road. The poor things travel the whole journey without a drop of water, because the mule drivers are too mean to pay for it. It is true that water is very dear as one has to pay 1s. and even 4s. a bucket. We all watered our horses to keep them alive, and when the poor things fall down, the load is taken from their back and left there to die. We travelled over the "Pampas" thirteen leagues, the first day through the burning sands. Arrived quite exhausted at a "tambo", which is called a Roadslde Tavern. No houses within five leagues. Water has to be brought eight leagues over to this place. Left the "tambo" at 2 o'clock in the morning to avoid travelling in the sun. Laid over in the heat of the day, and arrived in Arequipa at 8 o'clock that night. Here we were quite up in the world, this place being about 18,000 feet above the level of the sea [true height is 7,661 feet, Ed.]; and close to the burning volcano of Mount Chimborazo [height 20,564 feet, Ed.]. Here we did not play under canvas, but made a ring in the parquet of the theatre, which is a very old building. No roof to it, we had to put a canvas on the top whenever there was a performance. We opened to a $1100 house; and did splendid business far twelve performances. Left this place, and arrived at Islay the next evening. Here we met the steamer "Peru" once more, and off we went for Callao. Arrived there on the 10th of September, and found everything all right, and "nix" of a blockade. Opened there on the 15th under canvas, and performed on the 17th (Sunday afternoon) at the Plaza de Toros, the 18th being the anniversary of the independence of Chile, a sort of 4th of July which is kept in this country. Also performed at night under canvas, at well as Tuesday, the 19th. Opened in Lima, at the Plaza de Acho, [bullring, Ed.] on Sunday afternoon, the 24th, to a crowded house. Had to close the gates before the beginning of the performance, there being over 12,000 people present. This was the great "climax" upon which we travelled with sealed papers, on account of many parties trying to lead us before we reached the capital; notwithstanding which, we fooled them all. Ahead of us was a party of three brothers, styled the "Brothers of the Air:" then there were the Willis and Aymar party; also the Biselet Family, who had sent their agent ahead; and also Tom Linton's party, just arrived from England, thirteen in number, who were playing in Valparaiso, but hearing we had the lead of them towards Lima, changed their views and sailed for Australia. We performed every Sunday in the Plaza de Acho in Lima, and Tuesday and Thursday under canvas in Callao, distance about twelve miles by cars. Sailed In haste, onboard of the steamer "Peru," on the 28th of October, for Paita, on our way to Guayaquil. Upon arriving at Paita, nothing but bad news. The President of Guayaquil killed, and the city in a state of rebellion. The Keller Troupe were performing at the theatre, but had stopped on account of the riots, and Mr. Keller having got Into a difficulty through one of the ladies of the troupe, who had been insulted by a native and during the quarrel drew a pistol on Keller, who in self-defence shot the man; he expired that night. Keller was arrested and put in prison, but the foreigners have demanded his release, and have given notice that they will apply to the American squadron, now laying there, to bombard the town. You have it just as it was told to me by a passenger just arrived from Guayaquil. Hearing all this "good news," we thought best to direct our course to this place, and arrived here on the morning of the 4th, in their "bake-house" city. Quito unsafe to walk without an umbrella, nevertheless we opened here on the 7th to an immense audience, and give our sixth performance to-night. Palcos all sold before 8 o'clock this morning. I expect to sail from Aspinwall on the 21st for Kingston in Jamaica. Hoping that this will find you in good health, as it leaves me and family, I remain yours truly, G. F. ORRIN.

New York Clipper, 30 December 1865

GOTTSCHALK, after giving a concert in Panama Oct. 10th, took steamer the next day for Peru and Chile. He intends visiting Lima, Valparaiso, Santiago, prior to crossing the Cordilleras for Buenos Ayres. All is quiet about the San Francisco school girl affair, but it was a sad affair for Gottschy.

New York Clipper, 21 December 1867

MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH HEINE, the blind vocalists, returned to San Francisco, Cal., on Nov. 29, and were to sail immediately for Valparaiso via Panama.

New York Clipper, 11 April 1868

OF SHOW BUSINESS in Valparaiso, Chile, we are advised by a correspondent under date of March 3d, who says:— Amusements offered us here at present consist of opera, concerts, theatres and one-horse minstrel troupes, which are neither one thing or the other. A good minstrel troupe, on a small scale, would make money here; also a small free and easy, say for instance one clog or fancy dancer, and who could lead the ballet, also a comic vocalist, but she must be pretty, no paint, cotton or stuffed calves, as it does not go down here. If Jackson did beat the red coats behind cotton breastworks, it is no sign that we can be fooled like our friends, the Britishers, for we have a mode of finding out the true state of things...... Sta Emilia Pozzoli is still the rage of the opera, and plays to-night for the benefit of A. Rosi Ghelli, the leader of the troupe, in the tragic opera in three acts of 'Belisario.' She plays the part of Antonina and acts it to perfection, and which, her good looks and everything combined, makes for her a great notoriety...... Mr. and Mrs. Heine are still here and doing very well...... O'Brien is still astonishing the natives with his really wonderful tricks in slight-of-hand; his breaking eggs and putting flour, raisins, etc., in a man's hat and baking a large plum cake in it quite confounds the people, who exclaim: '¿Como lo hace él? ¿no está muy extraño?' but he fools them and that is all that is required."

New York Clipper, 25 July 1868

... The most recherche entertainments of the week are the concerts of Señorita Josefina Filomena, the child violinist, from Valparaiso, Chile. She is assisted by Louis Ballenburg, the star flutist of the west, and Mr. Chase, a pleasing balladist. The Señorita's violin playing ranks with that of any player ever before our public, not even excepting the great Bull. She will create a sensation in the east without doubt."

New York Clipper, 6 March 1869

CHIARINI'S CIRCUS.— Of the movements of this equestrian troupe, a correspondent, writing from Panama on Feb. 9th, says.— "After two successful seasons in San Francisco, and a successful tour through California and Nevada, we boarded the S. S. Constitution on Jan. 22d, and set sail for this place with flying colors, leaving J. Wilson's circus there the balance of the season. Friend Wilson, thinking we had not left behind a sufficiency of talent for his well being, set up an imaginary claim on some of our people and tried to stop them at the eleventh hour, but it was all imagination on his part and vanished like a beautiful dream; so we left poor Wilson gazing, no doubt, with wild astonishment at our easy departure. Panama is the first stand on our oceanic tour, and we've nonplussed both natives and ourselves by the great success we've met with here, this being a noted bad circus stand. The company embarks to-morrow on the S. S. Chile for Lima, S. A., and the following places, via: —Valparaiso, Santiago, across the mountains to Buenos Ayres, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco, all the way by same line of steamers, the whole company traveling in first saloon ! The consequence of not making more stands on the Pacific side is that we must be in Rio de Janeiro in the shortest possible time. From Pernambuco the same line takes us to Lisbon, Portugal, and from there we leave steamer and go to Madrid, Spain. Further deponent knoweth not, and truly I think that is far enough to look ahead. We have a brilliant company in all its effects, no expense having been spared for the fit out. The wardrobe is rich and consists of numerous suits of court and livery, once belonging to Maximillian, purchased by Chiarini when in Mexico. The horse trappings are of a superior order. The artistes are better dressed than in many of the winter companies of the east, and the properties are in elegant keeping, with an amazing quantity of them. The canvas is new (and another one has been sent for) and the inside is fitted up in style with boxes, chairs, pit and gallery. The horses and ponies are good. Chiarinl is better off than ever, having many full blooded English and one pure Arabian horse. The company consists of the following artists: —Señoritas Laura Ruiz, T. Ruiz, V. Martínez, M'lle Adele, Katy Hollawav, Fanny Brown, Belén Cuba, Miss Rebecca, Miss Adams, Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Domínguez, Geo. Ross, Wm. Carlo, El Niño Eddie, Hubert Meers, F. Sylvestre, J. Fisher, J. Barre, T. Domínguez, E. Ruix, S. Hudson, Torres and Gordilla, clowns; R Rivers, equestrian director; Sig. J. Agratti, local agent; P. E. Picard, advance agent, and G. Chiarini, proprietor and manager. The stud numbers thirty horses, ponies and mules." J. Wilson, of the "World Circus," San Francisco, in consequence of being short of arenic talent, has made the purchase of four cub lions and intends starting a grand menagerie and circus with them next spring.

New York Clipper, 15 May 1869

CHIARINI'S CIRCUS continued at Lima on March 15th— our latest date from the show. The regular performances were being given under canvas in an enclosed garden. The second Sunday performance had been given in Plaza de los Toros (bull pen), to a $5,000 audience—the first having realized the still more extraordinary sum of $10.000. The third would be given the ensuing Sunday, when performances would be suspended for Holy Week. The troupe will then proceed to Callao to perform one week, and embark therefrom for Valparaiso, April 4th. Company reported in good health, although "Yellow Jack" was about.

New York Clipper, 5 June 1869

G. F. ORRIN'S CIRCUS reached Panama on May 5th, from Costa Rica, and finding business very dull in Panama, concluded to ship direct for California, and was to sail for "Frisco" on May 10th, with all the company. In a letter to us, dated May 9th, Mr. Orrin says: —"Courtney's company from Mexico, with the Nelson Brothers, Arreck, and other gymnasts, were here about three weeks ago, and gave five performances in the theatre, with, I am told, good success. The public speak very highly of their performance, more particularly of Arreck's feats on the single trapeze, and the act by the Nelsons, with the three violins. They left here for Callao and Lima. It seems as though they were chasing up Chiarini's company, who, I see by the papers, was expected in Valparaiso about the middle of last month. The reports from Callao was that the company had been very unfortunate, and had lost three of the company by yellow fever, and Chiarini had lost two of his best horses. I give it to you just as I heard it from several parties, but none could tell the names of the members of the company that had died. As all accounts were not alike, I will not mention names In case It may not be true."

New York Clipper, 7 August 1869

P. PICARD, formerly agent for Chiarlni, the circus manager, arrived in this city on July 27th, from Aspinwall, for the purpose of securing a variety company to travel through that country. Having completed all his arrangements, he sailed on July 31st for Panama with the following company: —The Miacco Brothers, James Holtz, the Carlo Brothers, Ned West, Collins, banjoist; Mlle. Rosita, female gymnast; Mlle. Adelaide, premier danseuse, and the Lascelle Sisters. The party sail direct for Panama and will go thence to Lima, Valparaiso, Santiago de Cuba, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, Rio Janeiro and Pernambuco.

New York Clipper, 18 September 1869

THE CIRCUS BOYS IN SOUTH AMERICA.— From Montevideo we are advised of the movements of Chiarini's Circus by George Ross and William Carlo, who, under date of July 21st, say: — "You will, no doubt, be surprised to hear from us, for we are the same two that fooled John Wilson, when he tried to stop us from leaving San Francisco, when he had no claim on us, but tried to prevent us going with Mr. Chiarini. We did not owe him one cent—therefore we had no trouble in getting away. On the morning the steamer was to sail, Wilson and his lawyers were down looking for us, but we thought it best to go with Mr. Chiarini for eighteen months' engagement, rather than remain In Frisco to await the trial of said action, which he did commence. So we thought we would show Wilson an acrobatic trick, which we did do on our departure. We read an account of It In the CLIPPER some five months ago, In Lima, Peru, and we have not heard anything more of the Wilson party. Now l will tell you how we and the company have been doing:—We played In Panama to splendid business, and In Lima we had the canvas cut very bad, but on Sunday we played In the Bull Ring, and oh! it was so full. There must have been ten thousand dollars. On Monday there was no performance, and for one week we remained idle, until Chiarini got another spot, where the people could not cut the canvas. We opened on a Monday night and to a large house. We played five weeks under canvas, and gave four shows in the Bull Ring and did well. After leaving Lima we went to Callao, eight miles by train. Played In Callao one week, and Chiarini was offered four thousand dollars to play in the Bull Ring one afternoon, which Chiarini took, for It was a small place, and Chiarini did not wish to play there any longer than he could help, for the yellow fever was very bad at the time. We lost two members of the company with the fever. Torino Dominguez was the Indian rider, 23 years old, and he rode the best Indian act I ever saw, and the boy, Lopez, was a smart gymnast. They were both Spanish. The boy was twelve years old. We came very near losing more, but got away on the 4th of April for Valparaiso, Chile, where we arrived on the 12th of April, and took train for Santiago, where we opened on the 16th of April, under canvas, and did a splendid business the rest of the month. Left there and commenced In Valparaiso, in the theatre, and played four weeks to good business. Left ChiIe for this and we have now played here two months, and are in the ninth week. We leave here on the 1st of August for Buenos Ayres, where we remain two months, and go thence to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We will, most likely, remain there two months. From there we go to a place between Rio and Pernambuco. From Pernambuco we do not know where Chiarini will go to; he thinks of going to Spain."

New York Clipper, 2 April 1870

SIGNOR SMECHIA, proprietor of the Odeon Theatre, at Valparaiso, has arrived in Lima to arrange for the erection of a theatre capable of holding 2,000 persons, and in which he intends to hold performances of his opera company.

New York Clipper, 28 May 1870

COURTNEY AND SANFORD'S CIRCUS open In Lima, Peru, on June 1st, and go thence to Valparaiso, Santiago, Montevideo, Rio Janeiro, Lisbon and Madrid. The party consists of the Bell family, Mlle. Elisa Masottl, Julio Bulslay and his wife Katy, the South American bare back rider Adolfo Bernabo, the bare back Indian rider, Joseph Peneda, the Spanish clown Joseph Rodríguez, Charles Lessanvre, John Waldo, the four Lascelle brothers, Watson and Wells, Amen-Chang the Chinese juggler, three French lady riders, with John Fisher as advance agent. The ring stock, consists of twenty-five Arabian horses, trained in Europe.

New York Clipper, 8 October 1870

COURTNEY AND SANFORD'S CIRCUS, which is now located in the new amphitheatre on Willow street, in Lima, Peru, South America, is in the flood tide of success. A cut showing the entrance and a portion of the interior of this building, may be found in our advertising columns. It was erected in the short space of thirty days, and contains 1,250 chairs in the parquet circle, 2,000 seats In the lower gallery and 800 in the upper, making a total seating capacity of 4,050. It is lighted with 350 gas lights, and has also a stage 40 by 60 feet, fitted with a complete set of scenery, upon which, on the off nights of the equestrian performances, which are not given every evening, other attractions of a varied nature are presented. The company after the close of their present season here will visit Santiago and Valparaiso, returning to Lima early in December. The equestrian company Is at present composed of the following artists: —The Bell family, Julio Bulslay and wife, the Arabian Brothers, All Adolpho and Beinabo, José Pineda, José Camilo Rodriques, Senoras Prusuti, Masetti, Leonora, Ahman Chang, wife and son, Chiariski, Leisseil Brothers, John Guest and wife, John Waldo and Carlos Separini. The Rosalie Sisters, who have recently returned north after fulfilling a two years engagement with this firm, have been re-engaged and will re-appear at the opening of their new amphitheatre now building in Santiago, Chill, which will be in February next. Mr. Sanford, of this firm, is now in New York, and will be happy to negotiate with first class talent.



This new and magnificent amphitheatre, built expressly for Messrs. Courtney & Sanford, is one of the largest and most beautiful places of amusement in South America. It was built by its energetic managers and proprietors in the short space of 30 days, and in consideration of the ability, perseverance and tact displayed by these gentlemen, the national government of Peru have issued to them a free and protective license for the term of one year. The theatre contains 95 boxes, 1,250 chairs in the parquet circle, 2,000 seats in the lower and 800 in the upper gallery. It is lighted by 300 gas lights, has a stage 40x60 feet, with a complete set of scenery. The company at present is composed of over sixty versatile performers, and is meeting with unbounded success. The receipts during the months of July and August were over sixty thousand dollars, and the press of Lima speak of the Amphitheatre in the most flattering manner. The company is headed by the celebrated Bell family—whose performances are received with the greatest enthusiasm—Mr. Julio Buislay and wife, the Arabian Brothers Ali, Adolfo Bernabo, Jose Pineda, Jose Camilo Rodrlques, Misses Pinanti, Masetti, Licanova, Aman Chang, wife and son, Chiariski, Leissell Brothers, John Guest and wife, John Waldo, Carlos Separini, &c., &c., are all members of the troupe. The company will play in Lima during the present season, and go thence to Santiago and Valparaiso, returning to Lima again in the month of December. The stud of horses comprises Hiram, Duke, Bucephalus, Black Prince, Puebla, Arabiano, Mexico, Coquette, Lara, etc., etc. Mr Sanford is at present in this city, and, we understand, is ready to contract with first class talent for the fall and winter season, and also for the coming summer. Address care of CLIPPER office.

New York Clipper, 15 March 1873

PICARD'S GREAT EUROPEAN CIRCUS was announced on Jan. 25th to shortly arrive at Valparaiso, S. A., and give a series of eight exhibitions. Among the performers were M'lle Rosalie, rider; M'lle Celina, corde elastique; Signorina Brigazzi, athlete; Peter McHaffie, Irish jester; the Hale brothers, jugglers; Jose Camille Rodriguez, Spanish clown; Signor Brigazzi, trapeze performer; the Roussillion brothers, serial gymnasts; James Hickey, rider and horse-trainer, and the Vercelles brothers, athletes and hat-spinners. The latter are announced as having "performed 120 nights at Niblo's Theatre, New York, in the great tableaux of 'The Black Crook.' "

New York Clipper, 24 October 1874

THE DEN OF PERFORMING ANIMALS purchased in England by Messrs. Courtney & Co. was shipped from Southampton during September in the steamship Moselle. E. D. Boone is in charge of them, and they are intended for the new Hippodrome, Santiago, Chile.

THE ADVANCE AGENT of Sig. Guiliermo's Royal Italian Circus arrived at Valparaiso, Chile, Sept. 25, but, being unable to obtain a lot, left by the same steamer for Lima, Peru. This is the largest circus ever in South America, consisting of thirty-five artists and forty thoroughbred horses. They intend to remain one week in Lima, and go thence to San Francisco, Cal. Great efforts are being made to open the New Hippodrome in Santiago, Chile, by Nov. 1, the gentleman commissioned to secure talent having left Valparaiso for New York Sept. 1.

Source: "The New York Clipper", Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection
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Last updated: 02-I-2016