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Travels of an inquisitive newspaper reporter (1833-1836)

Journalists live in the present, reporting events, reflecting public opinion and helping to shape it; but they have been accustomed to see their words rapidly lost, in the abyss of perishable newsprint.

James Brooks (1807-1873) wrote for his home-town newspaper, the Portland Advertiser (Maine). We have been fortunate in re-assembling three complete sequences of his work, written between 1833 and 1836. His innovative format (a travel journal) was a commercial success, providing an opportunity to express his opinions on society, government and the human condition —good experience for his future political career.

A Pioneer Political Journalist PDF

Southern USA (1833)
The Slave States PDF
Maritime Provinces, Canada (1834)
New Brunswick + Nova Scotia PDF
Western Europe (1835-1836)
1. British Isles PDF
2. Rhine to Rhone PDF
3. Classic Italy PDF
4. Homeward Bound PDF
Excursion to Bangor (1833, report) PDF  
John Neal (1833, literary sketch) PDF  
Our Own Country (1835, essay) PDF  
The Downfall of Nations (1835, essay) PDF  

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